“Space” The first series of Hermann, ”Space”, documents the silence, separate existence of objects outside the human hustle in the form of simple, random, beautiful objects and interiors. Ildi Hemann presents us the objects originating from themselves, from their...
“Space” The first series of Hermann, ”Space”, documents the silence, separate existence of objects outside the human hustle in the form of simple, random, beautiful objects and interiors. Ildi Hemann presents us the objects originating from themselves, from their...
“Space” The first series of Hermann, ”Space”, documents the silence, separate existence of objects outside the human hustle in the form of simple, random, beautiful objects and interiors. Ildi Hemann presents us the objects originating from themselves, from their...
“Space” The first series of Hermann, ”Space”, documents the silence, separate existence of objects outside the human hustle in the form of simple, random, beautiful objects and interiors. Ildi Hemann presents us the objects originating from themselves, from their...
Hermann első sorozata, a Közeg, a tárgyak emberi rohanáson kívüli csendjét, külön-létét dokumentálja egyszerű, keresetlen, gyönyörű tárgy és enteriőrfotók formájában. Hermann Ildi a tárgyakat önmagukból, elhelyezkedésükből, egymáshoz való viszonylataikból kiindulva...
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